learnings, nerdisms, bicycles
Deployment of web applications and services can be difficult. It is often a maze of carefully aligning assets, pulling down & configuring executables, wiring up storage, fidgeting with networks, and more IT/DevOps tasks than most of us care to enjoy. I have experienced these difficulties enough that I pursued a new deployment strategy to ease my pains. Here's how I did it.
For years, I have shipped my software services manually. In other words, I would
ship some_service
by executing scp -r ./my-some_service ...
to some_server
on the internet, and configure it remotely. Both application & system
dependencies would be installed/compiled/linked/etc on that single server. It's
a completely valid approach to shipping software at the hobbyist level. However,
it's certainly not very repeatable, nor is your service portable. These two
properties become increasingly important as your number of services increases,
even for the hobbyist! Needless to say, I had many snowflakes ❄️ floating about,
& upgrading to a new server was a headache.
For perspective I had manually deployed a handful of apps/services to a single server, including:
It's arguably enough things to have some automation for deployment in place. It's also arguably the right amount of things to start worrying if services step on each other. And in fact, services did start stepping on each other. For instance, the ghost blogging engine requires nodejs version 4.x, senorsalsa.org requires nodejs 6.x+, & redorgreen required 7.x+. Tools like nvm (like python's venv) let you work around this particular issue. However, this is just one example of many of conflicts.
Portability was weak for these apps, & repeatability for deployment suffered.
promises to alleviate these headaches, so I went in deep & dockerified
Let's get these apps deployed with ease.
Additional considerations:
How to docker-ify your services is fun, but is well covered elsewhere on the webs. We're here to focus on deployment, so that content will be omitted.
To understand how we need to deploy, it's good to understand what we need to deploy.
The above shows a loose approximation of some services I have running on my OSX development machine. You can see that each service is runnable via docker, and exposes itself somehow to the network. Here we see a nginx container on :8080 acting as a static file host, the dev version of senorsalsa.org exposed on :9090, and the dev version of this blog served on :2368. Each of these applications was launched manually from my shell.
What should the production deployment look like?
The takeaway is we only expose some apps & containers through a reverse proxy, who will also handle our traffic encryption. This enables us to only have to secure our server in one spot, versus in every app. It also gives us great routing rules, letting us partition our subdomains nicely against specific apps!
Kuberenetes, mesos, terraform, vagrant, chef, AWS, Azure? Woe is me!
Despite an intimidating myriad of tooling, I had clear requirements to meet. My strategy for selection was to evaluate how well each toolchain (or combination of toolchains) fit the aforementioned requirements. Let's discuss just a couple.
~~ k8/mesos ~~ The big players in container orchestration are known to have a high learning curve. Further, having worked with k8, there's also a moderate amount of config & boilerplate to kick-everything off. The google team on kubes is working hard to lower that barrier to entry, but for me--the hobbyist--this is too much cognitive overhead to onboard. So, the big orchestration tools are out (k8, mesos, etc).
I know that some initial provisioning must happen each time I want to boot a new
box, either on prem or in the cloud. This has to happen before I even consider
putting my own applications on a machine. For instance, install docker
, vim
, etc. Additional tasks
would be to lock down SSH (e.g. disable password login) or to configure a
firewall. Because I will undoubtedly need to do some basic, non-frequent
maintenance, I rigged up some ansible scripts to
achieve these bootstrap steps. SSH
could suffice for these operations as
well, but I will come back to ansible later to discuss additional usage &
benefits. Chef, puppet, or any other general purpose provisioner would surely
work equivalently well here. Regardless, ansible
is now part of my deployment
Only about half of my web applications are a single image/container. Many apps
are composed of 2+ containers, working together behind the scenes. Most of the
time, to run an app in development, I use docker-compose
. docker-compose
solves a couple of difficult steps in container deployment:
There's no way I will be writing upstart
, systemd
, or sysv
service files
again. Docker eats all of that complexity away for us, and lets us declare these
behaviors easily through compose. For example:
# docker-compose.yml for https://redorgreen.org
version: '2'
image: cdaringe/redorgreenapi
environment: # it gives us fine control of our ENV
NODE_ENV: production
DB_HOST: redorgreendb
DB_PORT: 5984
depends_on: # it lets us specify boot order
- redorgreendb
restart: unless-stopped # it gives us daemon tuning
image: couchdb:1.6.1
restart: unless-stopped
- '/path/to/db:/usr/local/var/lib/couchdb'
# AND, it lets each container access each other by service name, as though they were hostnames. e.g. `curl redorgreendb:5984` would successfully connect if called from the `redorgreenapi` container
is now in the deployment stack.
A major consideration in deploying webservices is how to expose them. If you studied the target deployment diagram above, you will have seen a reverse proxy in front of all of my apps. I'm not interested in the underpinnings of a reverse proxy--I just want something that works, and that is relatively plug and play. jwilder/nginx-proxy is an awesome project designed for hobbyists like you and me! It:
Cool. Benefits?
Unfortunately, there are a ton of bugs. Also, the user-experience is lacking,
which we won't dig into. Kudos to jwilder for pioneering the effort, but too
many hours were eaten trying to get this to play nicely. I only mention this
project because it was the first I heard about that offerred first class,
dynamic docker support! About when I was ready to give up and build a
good-old-fashioned apache httpd
image, another jwilder/nginx-proxy
fan clued
me in on traefik
traefik is everything nginx-proxy
was supposed to be
and more! With minimal effort, minimal config, and minimal time, I had a feature
rich reverse proxy running. Let's study some code.
Here's my whole config:
# traefik.toml
logLevel = "DEBUG"
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"] # fear not, we redirect to https below
address = ":80"
entryPoint = "https"
address = ":443"
MinVersion = "VersionTLS12"
CertFile = "/path/to/cert.crt"
KeyFile = "/path/to/key.key"
endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
domain = "some.domain"
watch = true
In 20 lines, I've told traefik to:
Not too shabby!
So, how do I add a service? In production, I use a single docker-compose.yml
file, wherein all of my services are declared. If a service needs to run, it
has to be declared into that file.
# docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
image: traefik:1.2.3-alpine
command: --docker --docker.domain=$HOSTNAME
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- ./traefik.toml:/traefik.toml
- /path/to/certs:/path/to/certs
restart: unless-stopped
file: /path/to/blog/project/docker-compose.yml
service: blog
NODE_ENV: production
restart: unless-stopped
- traefik
- "traefik.backend=blog"
- "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:$HOSTNAME,blog.$HOSTNAME,www.$HOSTNAME,www.blog.$HOSTNAME"
...other services...
In order to know how and what to proxy, traefik
, in docker-mode, looks for
. traefik.frontend.rule=Host:$HOSTNAME
tells traefik that when a
request comes in for say, Host:cdaringe.com
, to forward that request to the
service. You'll note that I match on many different Host
s. Of course,
also lets requests be matched on other criteria as well. I didn't
need any :).
That's it! Using ansible, docker, docker-compose, and other universal *nix-ish tooling, we can do single machine, multiservice deployments.
Let's suppose I want to add a new app. For realism sake, let's suppose that the
app needs to write to disk. Suppose the app is called whoareyou
(because we've
all seen enough whoami
apps). The app will be a simple server that writes the
visiting users' IPs to disk. Here's the workflow, high level, top to bottom:
to /projects/whoaareyou
in production as a means of
convention, so making this symlink enables me to run a "mock production",
if desired.ansible
script to copy project assets to
, and run a
docker build -t cdaringe/whoareyou .
, only if necessarydocker-compose.yml
, so traefik
it up/www/whoareyou:/path/to/in-container-app
, so our data is persisted (&
backup-able) on our remote serverHOSTNAME=localhost docker-compose up
to do a test run! hitting
should write your IP to disk!ansible-playbook
, which will sync up files, build images, and start
or restart the docker-compose
command bringing up all of our apps!And that's it. There is certainly room for more improvement. However, for now, I've met my requirements, and feel confident that incremental changes can be deployed sanely and reliably!