node.js project coverage with &&

May 6, 2016 is great. however, the default instruction sets are tailored to ruby and travis. i use neither.

for many of us, we want coveralls to work with and nodejs.

the coveralls docs re-direct you to:, which helps us get the job done. however, you may like just a simple clear step-by-step.

Here are the steps, short and sweet:

  • npm i --save-dev coveralls into your npm project
  • make sure that your package's test scripts generate coverage documentation
    • for example, i have the following npm scripts in my packages:
// package.json
  "name": "MY-MODULE",
  "description": "A SUPER GREAT MODULE",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "nyc --reporter=lcov --check-coverage --functions=90 --branches=90 node test/"
  • setup your project in
    • log on, follow the add repo instructions (can't miss 'em)
    • copy and paste the secret token--we need to enter this in your codeship build process
coveralls secret token
  • visit your project on codeship

    • open the test commands enter the following:
npm test # or your test command
cat ./coverage/ | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js
codeship scripts
  • open the environment settings, and set the following keys:
codeship env
  • assuming that you have linked your git project with codeship, simply commit your changes to your package and push!
  • don't forget to add a pretty little badge to your README! you can copy the markdown syntax from with within your project settings on coveralls.
    • please note that it may take a couple of minutes for your badge to render successfully!
gh badge

You're all done!