learnings, nerdisms, bicycles
do buy:
WiFly RN-XV — Completely
Baller WiFly
RN-XV: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10822
why? it’s cheap, and you can hook all sorts of widgets up to it with almost no trouble at all! It’s preloaded with a very feature rich f/w and you’ll be off connecting your gidgets to all sorts of neat stuff. I used it as a simple web client, but also used it to run scan inquires. Using this little unit was a walk in the park!
don’t buy:
I don’t personally recommend the MIRCOCHIP MRF24WB0MB 11369ST (or similiar). It seems as though a handful of WiFi shields use it. The SPI interface libraries are seriously lame & lacking. Doug H & I fought them for a few days. We had compile issues, as well as erratic behavior off the comm pins (o-scoped!). Most of the shields aren’t immediately ard.MEGA compatible. Not a big deal, we can remap pins! But nothing would execute correctly, even after many deep digs into the code, debug, and googling. Not to mention, the RN-XV is way more capable, and often the same price or cheaper! If you’re thinking about this chip, abort!